About The Doctor

Dr. Stephen Swisher

Thoracic Surgeon , Department Chair for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Dr. Stephen Swisher, M.D., began studying biology and history at Stanford University. It was here that he became a surgeon after he had acquired his medical degree while graduating with honors in surgery from the University of California San Diego. Dr. Swisher now serves as the chair for thoracic and cardiovascular surgery at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Swisher has over 15 years of medical experience in this field, and he has become known as one of the best thoracic surgery experts.

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The Best of the Best

Based on a report from U.S. News and World Report, Dr. Stephen Swisher ranks among the top one percent of thoracic surgeons in the United States. Many medical doctors look to Swisher for his expertise on thoracic malignancies and cancer staging. His surgical staging experience includes peritoneal lavage, mediastinoscopy, and laparoscopy.

Message of Hope

Dr. Stephen Swisher hopes that strategies developed in genetic research will help to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.

Genetic Studies

Genetic studies make up the bulk of Dr. Swisher’s research. The goal of these studies is to make cancers that are resistant to treatment, like mesothelioma, more responsive to therapy. Dr. Swisher hopes that strategies developed in genetic research will help to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy Drug Studies

Dr. Stephen Swisher has collaborated on clinical trials for intrapleural chemotherapeutic drugs made for patients with mesothelioma, investigating the effectiveness of different chemotherapy drug combinations. Over the course of his career at M.D. Anderson, he earned four promotions for his excellence in the field.

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