After being told you have mesothelioma, you may not know what to think. You may experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Emotional effects therapies can help you deal with these challenging feelings. Some examples of emotional treatments include pet therapy, meditation, and counseling.
Caring for the Whole Person
When dealing with mesothelioma, one is faced not just with the illness’ effects on the body but also its impact on the mind and spirit. Supporting your emotional wellbeing can strengthen your body’s response to treatment. Moreover, coping with the disease and finding meaning in doing so can improve your quality of life.1
What is Meditation and How Can It Help?
Meditation is often mistaken as a distraction or as an escape from reality. This misconception could not be further from the truth. Meditation involves practicing mindfulness: paying attention consciously, without judgment, and with relaxation. Not only does meditation grow your awareness of your emotional and spiritual states, but it also heightens your awareness of physical and bodily sensations.
Practicing meditation can help improve mesothelioma symptoms of pain, depression, and anxiety. Many patients with mesothelioma meditate to deal with difficult emotions surrounding their disease, like grief, fear, anger, and guilt. There are many different kinds of meditation, but the most common forms can be divided into non-spiritual and spiritual meditation.
Choosing Between Non-spiritual and Spiritual Meditation
Your decision to choose non-spiritual or spiritual meditation may depend on whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or someone who is drawn to spirituality. If you identify as spiritual, you might add prayer and quiet reflection to the meditation. For individuals exposed to asbestos unwittingly, spiritual meditation can heal feelings of anger, and prayerful guidance can provide reassurance and peace.
In contrast, non-spiritual meditation has no spiritual basis. You can practice this kind of meditation without worrying about its religious affiliation. People who choose non-spiritual meditation often do so because they are attracted to its simple approach to attaining greater awareness and peace of mind. Mindfulness-based practices are a key element of non-spiritual meditation.
Counseling for Mesothelioma
Counseling in the forms of individual therapy and group therapy is another valuable emotional therapy for mesothelioma. Speaking with a counselor one-on-one or in a support group can help individuals deal with the challenging emotions surrounding their diagnosis. A trusted mental health expert or group can help you process and handle your feelings, leaving you feeling more supported and capable of managing your disease.2
Emotional Effects Therapies