Mesothelioma Lawyers: California
Many of the top law firms that handle mesothelioma cases have offices in the state. If you or someone you know needs to make a claim for compensation due to previous asbestos exposure, a highly-skilled lawyer who specializes in mesothelioma can help.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in California
These suits include asbestos trust fund claims, personal injury lawsuits, and wrongful death suits for those who have passed from diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Asbestos related claims have increased dramatically in California in recent years, with claimants coming from both in and out of state because California courts generally tend to lean in favor of the claimant.
There is a statute of limitations in place for filing these asbestos-related lawsuits and your California mesothelioma lawyer can take a look at your case and determine how you fit within those deadlines and limitations.
If you are already diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer, now is the time to talk to a lawyer about filing a claim for compensation in the state of California.
History of Asbestos in California
California leads the nation in asbestos-related death from diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma.
Industries impacted the most by asbestos exposure in California included shipyards and military bases, due to the manufacturing materials used. Others include construction, power generation, and mining industries.
If you are a veteran that has been exposed to asbestos while on duty, you can also make a VA claim for benefits in addition to your mesothelioma claim, allowing you to obtain VA health care in California.
Second-hand asbestos exposure is also a risk for spouses and children of workers who were exposed to asbestos at work. If children and spouses developed mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, they may be able to make a claim.
Mesothelioma Law Firms with Offices in California
There are national mesothelioma law firms with offices in California because so many claims are made in the state. These attorneys understand the regulations and the specifics of the state, giving you the best possible representation for your case whereas smaller law firms may not have the expertise or connections that can help you get the maximum payout. Larger firms have more resources and knowledge of how mesothelioma claims work throughout the country and how they can best advocate for you and your family.
Some of the national mesothelioma firms include Cooney & Conway, Weitz and Luxenberg, Nemeroff Law, Simmon Hanly Conroy, and Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman to name a few. There are offices located in Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Diego, El Segundo, and San Francisco, ensuring you have access to a law firm near you.
In the event there still isn’t an office close to you, these large firms have the resources to come to you. They won’t charge you for travel expenses, saving you money and time.
California Lawsuits
California workers have won multiple lawsuits against large corporations and have been awarded rather large payouts in the last several years.
In 2018, Alfred Mata and his wife filed a lawsuit against Liberty Utilities Corporation after he developed mesothelioma from second asbestos exposure. He had been exposed from the dust on his father’s clothes when he came home from working with pipes that contained asbestos when Mata was a child. The couple won an $11 million settlement.
Judith Winkel and her husband sued talc supplier Colgate Palmolive in 2015 and won a $13 million settlement after Winkel developed mesothelioma from years of working with contaminated talcum powder.
In 2002, Alfred Todak, a shipyard worker who developed mesothelioma after he spent years working with products that contained asbestos, won a $33 million lawsuit.
In 2007, Dennis Woodard and his wife filed a lawsuit against several manufacturing companies after the companies sold products containing asbestos to the U.S. Navy. Woodard developed mesothelioma after serving as a machinist mate and electrician’s mate for years.
While these stories are representations of the highest payouts from mesothelioma lawsuits, most are settled outside of court and law firms can secure at least a million dollars for their clients.
Asbestos Laws and Regulations in California
As studies establish the connection between asbestos exposure and serious medical conditions such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer, lawmakers were forced to respond with regulations and safety standards.
In California, there are several state departments tasked with overseeing the asbestos laws, including the Department of Public Health, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, OSHA’s Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit, and the California Environmental Protection Agency.
When it comes to risky and difficult asbestos management in older buildings and facilities, it’s best to seek counsel from OSHA’s Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit who have trained professionals that are qualified to advise on asbestos management plans and can help coordinate removal if necessary.
It’s imperative to remove and dispose of asbestos-contaminated materials safely, to reduce the risk of spreading the hazardous dust and fibers.
There are now many California laws and regulations in place to give individuals and families the compensation they deserve from years of being exposed to the toxic mineral.
Mesothelioma attorneys are there to help you secure the maximum settlement due to a company’s negligence. They will advocate for you and help you claim what is yours.
Reach out to a California mesothelioma lawyer today to begin the process of making your claim.