Mesothelioma & Veterans

If you’ve developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos while serving in the military, you could be entitled to compensation. Today, veterans make up 30% of the case filings for mesothelioma.

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What Jobs Put You at the Most Risk?

What Jobs Put You at the Most Risk?

There are a few different jobs that put you at a higher risk of exposure to products that can later cause mesothelioma: – Aircraft mechanic – Demolition expert – Miner – Vehicle mechanic – Artilleryman – Infantryman – Radioman – Seabee – Gunner's mate – Pipefitter – Water fitter – Damage controlman

What Diseases Do The VA Recognize?

What Diseases Do The VA Recognize?

The VA has recognized a few different diseases that are caused due to asbestos exposure: – Asbestosis – Lung cancers – Pleural effusion – Bronchus cancers – Larynx cancers – Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis

Filing a Claim

As soon as you have received a diagnosis, you should file a claim.

Your VA claim will be more robust if you were approved for disability benefits. You will have to have received an honorable discharge and provide documentation of where the exposure took place. Look at the locations and history of your military job rankings. Also, you will need to provide medical records that show how your disease was caused as a result of exposure to asbestos.

In most cases with filing a claim, you may want to have a VA-accredited claims agent. The process can be tricky and they can help you understand how best to proceed.

Learn About Lawyers

The United States Navy first began making use out of asbestos-related products in the 1930s.

Mesothelioma & Navy Veterans

The Navy started using these products because they found they helped fireproof ships. Large quantities of these products once sat on US Navy ships – in the walls, doors, engine rooms, and miles of piping. For the vast majority of Navy ships, they needed this type of fireproofing. Even while performing normal duties, veterans would release these products into the air, which led to illness.

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