Navy, Asbestos Exposure, & Mesothelioma Risks

Unlike the other branches of the military, the Navy has experienced one of the highest levels of exposure to asbestos fibers, a substance that can cause mesothelioma.

Unlike the other branches of the military, the Navy has experienced one of the highest levels of exposure to asbestos fibers, a substance that can cause mesothelioma. This cancer has especially shown up with veterans who serve in the Navy because, at one point, asbestos was just about everywhere on the ship. Its prevalence combined with poor ventilation only added to the problem if the toxic fibers went airborne.

Many people who have experienced this could qualify for benefits.

The Compensation Available

Several diseases are shown to be linked to asbestos exposure including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Anyone who became sick because of their exposure during service in the military could be entitled to some level of compensation. 

Disability benefits evaluate any illnesses and aim to give you the maximum level of monthly compensation. You may be entitled to dependency and indemnity compensation.

Getting benefits can sometimes be a complex process and you will need to show evidence of your disease through medical records and a written exposure summary. 

Treatment for Sailors

The VA healthcare system has partnered with some of the best doctors in the country, which will lead to quality treatment. 

Some of the treatment centers include:

  • Miami
  • Houston
  • Boston
  • Los Angeles

What happens if you have the disease, but it isn’t connected to the service? In most cases, you will be granted care at a low and affordable cost.

You may also receive assistance when it comes to traveling for specialized care.

Exposure in the Military

Some of the worst conditions for exposure happened starting in the 1930s and continued until the 1970s. The Navy made heavy use out of this product because the risk for developing cancers and other severe health conditions were unknown. As a result, the exposures led to people developing these diseases later on. Getting benefits hasn’t always been easy and this process looks somewhat complex.

Having an accredited VA claims agent can help you to get the documentation necessary to get processed much faster.

Unfortunately, the widespread use of asbestos has made many ill. In the past, the VA healthcare system didn’t work as well as it does today. The response time was slow and the quality of healthcare wasn’t that good. Fast-forward to today, healthcare within the VA system has been improved to the point that the response time even outpaces the public sector. Especially when you have an illness like mesothelioma, you will receive top priority of care because of how aggressive this disease can be.

You have to take action as soon as possible to increase your chances for survival and quality of life.

Navy, Asbestos Exposure, & Mesothelioma Risks

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