Through military facilities, asbestos products were used as a way of helping to fireproof the buildings from a possible attack. In fact, statistics show that 30 percent of all victims of mesothelioma are veterans. You do have options for treatment whether you choose to go to one of the VA treatment centers, or you visit a specialty cancer center.
Across the nation, you may receive free healthcare for this illness if you’re a veteran with this disease.
The Treatment Sites Available
On a nationwide level, there are 1,243 healthcare facilities, and over nine million veterans receive this form of care each year. At some of these facilities, they may specialize in this form of illness and that is one of the things that you want because of the rarity of this disease. Not to mention, mesothelioma acts aggressively and many patients receive a poor prognosis of less than one year.
What are the Best Medical Centers?
You have a couple of medical centers that may be worth checking out for this illness.
Some of the centers in different parts of the country that you could try if you were diagnosed with this illness include:
- Asheville, NC
- Hot Springs, SD
- Lebanon, PA
- Erie, PA
- Iron Mountain, MI
- Cleveland, OH
- St Cloud, MN
We have an obligation to our services members to provide them with the best healthcare possible. They served in the military and they were exposed to asbestos fibers as a result of their service. A lot like the private sector, some facilities will provide you with better healthcare than what other ones will. Some don’t have the specialization to deal with cancers like mesothelioma.
You want to find one of the VA treatment centers that will have the ability to treat this illness.
Important Facts for Veterans
As a veteran, you should understand how, by belonging to the VA system, you can receive healthcare at all facilities. In particular, this is for the diseases that people will have the greatest difficulty in treating. In the past, the VA healthcare system didn’t have a great reputation overall. In particular, back in the 1970s, you didn’t receive good healthcare here. However, today, it has grown to become one of the best ways that you can receive treatment. In fact, they even scrutinize this system more than what they would with the private sector, which goes to show the level of care put into it.
Many times, veterans will wonder whether they should receive treatment through the VA because they worry that it will take a long time for them to receive healthcare in comparison to the private sector. Today, you usually receive top priority treatment if you have this rare disease because doctors understand time is of the essence with this illness.
You receive Priority Level 1 to ensure that you receive healthcare that will help you to feel better.