Your costs will largely depend on what kind of treatment you’re seeking, your doctor, and your insurance.
Mesothelioma is an expensive and difficult to treat form of cancer. To treat it, there are typically combination treatments that are a mix of surgeries, therapies, and typical cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiation. These treatments can be costly even with insurance, and the expense of seeing a specialist or traveling to a cancer center can be difficult to meet.
Mesothelioma treatment is typically aggressive as it is difficult to treat, so the costs can be more severe than your typical cancer treatment.
- Chemotherapy: The typical cost is around forty-thousand for initial treatment and can rise depending on the particular drug being used or if you’re in need of more treatment afterward. Mesothelioma will need aggressive and consistent treatment typically, so you’ll likely need more than one round.
- Surgery: Surgery to help treat mesothelioma can also be pricey. Even just in the initial stages of mesothelioma, you may find that your procedural costs are over twenty-six thousand a month. These costs will also vary based upon the type of procedure and the center at which you’re being treated.
- Radiation: Radiation therapy isn’t quite as expensive as chemotherapy typically, but it is still hefty at a little less than ten thousand a month.
- Other Therapies: Depending on what other therapies you’ll want to consider in addition to traditional treatment, your monthly costs might be even more significant. Treatments like acupuncture, massage, or even seeing a therapist can be costly.
Other Costs of Treatment
Additional costs can crop up in unexpected ways when you’re undergoing treatment for mesothelioma or related cancers. It isn’t uncommon for patients who are undergoing expensive and extensive treatments to suffer medical debt. In addition to treatments, there are costs for visits, other medications, travel to where your specialists might be. It also certainly doesn’t help that many patients are unable to work while undergoing treatment which can make the financial strain even more difficult to bear.
How to Afford Treatment
There are many programs in place to help mesothelioma patients who are struggling financially. There are charities, government organizations, financial trusts, and even legal options you can pursue to help afford treatments.
Disability can come in handy to help pay your bills. Nonprofit agencies and organizations have put in place charities to help patients with lodging, medical bills, travel, and more. If you contracted your illness due to negligence from a company, you may also be entitled to compensation. You can seek out legal compensation and a skilled personal injury lawyer that deals with mesothelioma cases, can help you get exactly what you need. Keep track of your expenses so you can easily get compensated for your damages.
For help filing a claim and to learn more about the process, contact us using the button below.