Cancer Center

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Florida Hospital Celebration Health

Florida Hospital Celebration Health

The Cancer Institute at Florida Hospital Celebration Health revolutionized its approach towards mesothelioma treatment with the inclusion of Dr. Farid Gharagozloo, thoracic surgeon. Dr. Gharagozloo totally transformed the science of mesothelioma treatment with his revolutionary use of minimally-invasive robotics.

These robotics are typically used in the process of aggressive surgery on pleural mesothelioma. He correctly believed that such a treatment could revolutionize the future treatment of the illness.

Resort-Style Campus

Located in Walt Disney World’s community of Celebration, Florida Hospital Celebration Health resembles a resort in many ways. This could be due to the shadow cast by central Florida’s healthy tourism economy. The hospital has set a standard for future cancer centers since its conception in 1997; it is internationally renown for its innovative method towards patient care.

The staff at Celebration Health executees over two-thousand robotic surgeries every year. This number of robotic surgeries is more than any other hospital in the entire country. As director of thoracic surgery, Dr. Gharagozloo has been at the forefront of minimally invasive surgical approaches for malignant diseases. Dr. Gharagozloo sole reason for leaving the University of Arizona Cancer Center was to inaugurate the brand new thoracic surgery initiative at the Florida Hospital Celebration Health. The Florida Hospital Celebration Health is the location where the Global Robotics Institute was recently held.


Robotics at Florida Hospital Celebration Health

Robotics allow surgeons to act with more precision; such surgeries involve small mechanisms that are controlled by a surgeon at a control pad. Robotic surgery is also utilized as an in-depth diagnostic tool before aggressive surgery. Robotics usually lead to a shorter recovery period and an overall better experience for the patient.

Celebration Health addresses all sorts of cancers, and is a leader in early detection, as well as treatment and diagnostics. The hospital engages with labs all over the world by utilizing their research. Every patient that enters the facility is paired with a specially trained care coordinator from the beginning to the end of their stay. Dr. Gharagozloo employed a large amount of his own thoracic surgical team when he migrated from Arizona; this ensured that the transition was a painless transition. Gharagozloo inspired his first surgical assistant to relocate alongside him, along with the nurse practitioner, surgical nurse, and his office manager.

Technological Advances

At Celebration Health, the resort-like atmosphere contributes a sense of well-being to the patients in addition to their integrative approach to treatment.

The cancer center has been praised for its clinical innovations, technological breakthroughs, as well as solutions in fighting diseases such as mesothelioma.

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