About The Doctor

Dr. Taine Pechet

Thoracic Surgeon , Vice Chief, Department of Surgery

As a doctor, Taine Pechet has always kept his mind wide open when it came to newly emerging technologies for thoracic surgery. In fact, few doctors where he works will embrace technology with such eagerness as he. Dr. Pechet works at the University of Pennsylvania. His approach to treatment for mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases has always been a multidisciplinary approach where numerous specialists converge for a better understanding of the disease.

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Emerging Technologies

Dr. Taine Pechet was quick to adopt high definition video medical technology for robotic thoracic surgery. These are two of the latest innovations he has pioneered.

Message of Hope

Dr. Taine Pechet advocates for the use of robotic surgery to treat lung disease.

Role in Advancing Surgical Technologies

Dr. Pechet serves as Chief for the Department of Surgery at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. He has been at the forefront of the technological revolution for surgical care. In fact, Penn has one of the most technologically advanced surgical institutions in the nation. One of their major technologies is minimally invasive thoracic surgery.

Dr. Pechet advocates for the use of minimally invasive robotic surgery to treat lung disease. He prefers it over open-chest surgery because it offers his patients fewer risks and a shorter recovery time.

Advancements in Research

Dr. Taine Pechet has collaborated on several clinical trials for primary pleural cancer and photodynamic therapy. He also studies synergistic treatment and cancer vaccines.

He hopes advancements in medical research and surgical technology will improve prognosis and quality of life for individuals with lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases.

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